Thursday 6 October 2011

Are Gypsy curses real? If so, we're buggered!

So I've been planning this for a while...if you call playing Sims and going on facebook planning, then yes I think I've done rather well...smug face...
Write a blog for god sake! everyone's doing it! Well fine here I am finally delving into this whole blogging business. I might as well give it a go. If no one reads it then so what....It's going to be my therapy :)

So where to begin, not at the beginning as the greatest thing happened the other day and I think that should get an airing first.

 So I'm upstairs annoying the cat, as you do, just getting out of the shower and wondering around looking for something clean on my floor to wear. There are two men with a pick up outside the front, picking up scrap probably going door to door.

"what are those pikey's doing" says the man indoors.

I would of been quite happy to carry on circling the room like a dog after his tail in desperation for something to put on my now cold body. But the man indoors is a bit of a girl when it comes to gossip and finding out whats going on. You could say that he's a bit of curtain twitcher.
 Anyway there looking a bit shifty, just looking at our house and down the drive, then they start wondering down it and collecting various things as they go!!! cheeky fuckers!

I've never seen the man indoors move so fast lol. Down the stairs he fly's and out the back door.
I am now a curtain twitcher ....I must say I've learnt from the best!... wondering what the hell is going on. I have one eye stuck on the window and the rest of me is now looking for something that resembles clothes, to hell with being clean they just need to fit!
 One of the men is now running to his pickup, he starts to drive away...without his traveling friend...this is like something out of Roadwars lol.
All I can hear is the man indoors shouting  "You have the right to remain silent ....."

It's all very exciting! Anyway I arrive out the front after running...well more like limping in a kind of fast-ish way, to get our neighbour, who's stuff was also being pilfered.

So I give him a peace of my mind as we wait for the police to arrive and I get told by this traveling man that I'm a bit cheeky and he couldn't understand what I found so funny.... nether could I, perhaps it was nervous or it could of been girly giggles because my man had just arrested someone lol either way he didn't like it and decided to put a Gypsy curse on all 3 of us!

That's it really...the police came and took him away and I bought my hero a massive scotch egg from the baguette shop.

Perhaps you had to be there...I thought it was Amazing!

So there we are, my first blog... I promise to start whinging about Catholics next time x