Friday 16 December 2011

....Where was I?... Ahhh it's CHRISTMAS!!

..... Now I feel a bit more Christmassy .... The middle child was an excellent dwarf in his school play 'Pantomonium' and this year I was able to watch the whole show in peace!! The small evil elf was being watched by a very brave me some quality... 'Look at me, I'm a good parent because I made it to the school play without a screaming child attached to my hip this year!!!'... which was amazzzzing!

Christmas is a funny old time. I think we get lost in the giving and receiving's all about what we want and how much is this going to cost me?! So many people get themselves into so much debt just because they think the only thing that's going to make there children happy is the £300 console + games they asked for, that's not including all the other family and friends you might want to buy for...then there's the food shopping!!!
 But debt is so easily done and if I didn't have him indoors to keep me in check I'm sure I would of spent way more than we could afford this year.

 How do I see it? is it really HELL? ....

I don't see Christmas in the same way as most...perhaps I just think to much lol... When I was a child Christmas was about the birth of baby Jesus and midnight mass! We had a tree and gifts, not much as we were quite poor really. Our dad always worked Christmas day for the 'BIG BUCKS' as he would say. Which was a shame as he spent most of the day in bed after the night shift and only woke for dinner, which left us with a grumpy dad that always found something to fight about at the dinner was normally the brussels sprouts! lol mmmmmm brussels sprouts...

and now...

I'll pop a tree up for the kids and we'll have gifts and a lovely Christmas dinner but.... IT'S NOT REAL!!!
 Jesus wasn't even born in December let alone on the 25th!! and whats with the tree anyway!?!?! isn't it pagan? It's all about money and guilt but we carry on with it every year for the sake of tradition...but I'm a hypocrite lol because come Christmas morning and the children are sat around the tree opening there presents and breathing a sigh of relief because they got what they wanted, I will be filled with a warm glow ...and I suppose that's what it's really about...for us anyway... So many people have different beliefs and customs around this time of year, nobody does it the exact same way or even believes the so called 'True meaning of Christmas' so instead of moaning this year I shall just make it what I think it should be.... Family x

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